Oral History Project

The Calver Weir Restoration Project has been researching the legacy of the weir and mill through an oral history project. The local community have been involved and many people associated with the mill have been interviewed. Click on the pictures below to find out more about the interviewees and listen to the interviews
7) The River  
8) Wildlife        
10) Colditz      
11) Secrets      

Interview 6 - B Geary & K Smith
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Bill Geary was on Calver parish council in the 1990s when the dangerous condition of the Weir was considered as requiring action. Bill recognised the need to do something and encouraged the parish council to take action. He helped to organise a meeting with neighbouring parish councils and organisations such as the Environment Agency and the Peak District National Park Authority. He is to be credited with beginning the process which would lead to the restoration of the weir.

Ken Smith is Cultural Heritage Manager for the Peak District National Park Authority. Ken was the officer who led the Authority’s involvement in trying to save and restore the weir, realising early on the need for conservation and the potential to support the local community. The Authority became the main partner of the Calver Weir Restoration Project, assisting with fund-raising, heritage advice as well as supporting the current project officer.
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